Why should I have an empty taproot address to receive the XENKnight ordinal?

At present, if you keep your XENKnight ordinal with other Bitcoin holdings you risk accidentally transferring the inscribed satoshi in the normal course of using your Bitcoin. Wallets do not currently support the transfer of individual satoshis. You are responsible for safely storing, holding, and transferring your inscription. Make sure that you have an ordinal aware bitcoin wallet.


目前,如果您将XENKnight Ordinals与其他比特币持有一起保存,您可能会在正常使用比特币的过程中意外地转移铭刻的聪。钱包目前不支持单个聪的转移。您有责任安全地存储、持有和转移您的铭文。请确保您拥有一个支持Ordinals功能的比特币钱包。

source: xen.network
translation: @xen_artist