{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"The key information contained in the status of a blockchain includes:\n\n1. Blocks: The number of blocks in the blockchain, which represents the total transaction history and security of the network.\n\n2. Networks: The total number of nodes (computers) connected to the blockchain network, indicating its spread and decentralization.\n\n3. Difficulty: The difficulty level of the blockchain, which determines how difficult it is to mine new blocks and maintain the network's security.\n\n4. Hash Rate: The rate at which new blocks are mined, which impacts the overall performance and security of the blockchain.\n\n5. Confirmation Time: The average time it takes for a transaction to be confirmed and added to the blockchain.\n\n6. Block Size: The amount of data each block can hold, which affects the scalability and storage capacity of the blockchain.\n\n7. Transaction Fees: The fees charged for processing transactions within the blockchain","a":"A4(Please note that the translation is incomplete, as the original text  seems to be incomplete as well.)"}]}],"pr":"20c1398d2c7067921775bc5441cb3ab2469fbe11ba321ca0186e8440787983e2"}