"with their values:"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:55
msgid ""
"[2] [1] [3] → [4] [2]\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:57
msgid ""
"Now let's label the same transaction with the ordinal numbers of the "
"satoshis that each input contains, and question marks for each output slot. "
"Ordinal numbers are large, so let's use letters to represent them:"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:61
msgid ""
"[a b] [c] [d e f] → [? ? ? ?] [? ?]\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:63
msgid ""
"To figure out which satoshi goes to which output, go through the input "
"satoshis in order and assign each to a question mark:"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:66
msgid ""
"[a b] [c] [d e f] → [a b c d] [e f]\n"
msgstr ""

#: src/faq.md:68
msgid ""
"What about fees, you might ask? Good question! Let's imagine the same "