use {super::*, bitcoin::BlockHash};
fn get_sat_without_sat_index() {
let rpc_server = test_bitcoincore_rpc::spawn();
let response = TestServer::spawn_with_server_args(&rpc_server, &[], &["--enable-json-api"])
assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);
let mut sat_json: SatJson = serde_json::from_str(&response.text().unwrap()).unwrap();
// this is a hack to ignore the timestamp, since it changes for every request
sat_json.timestamp = 0;
SatJson {
number: 2099999997689999,
decimal: "6929999.0".into(),
degree: "5°209999′1007″0‴".into(),
name: "a".into(),
block: 6929999,
cycle: 5,
epoch: 32,
period: 3437,
offset: 0,
rarity: Rarity::Uncommon,
percentile: "100%".into(),
satpoint: None,
timestamp: 0,
inscriptions: vec![],
fn get_sat_with_inscription_and_sat_index() {
let rpc_server = test_bitcoincore_rpc::spawn();