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░░                                WE believe in the power of cryptography and decentralized technologies to enable freedom of expression                           ░░
░░                                and protect the privacy of individuals.                                                                                          ░░
░░                                We stand for a world where individuals are empowered to speak truth to power, without fear of censorship                         ░░
░░                                or retribution.                                                                                                                  ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                Our mission is to disrupt the current state of online discourse by creating a platform that preserves                            ░░
░░                                the immutable nature of committed speech,while also promoting transparency and authenticity in online interactions.              ░░
░░                                We envision a world where every individual has a voice, and where accountability and rarity are key                              ░░     
░░                                factors in determining the impact of that voice.                                                                                 ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                Our algorithm is designed to give a rarity score to tweets based on their visibility and interaction.                            ░░
░░                                We take into account metadata such as views, likes, and retweets, and assign a grade to each category.                           ░░
░░                                These grades are then used to determine the rarity score of the tweet.                                                           ░░
░░                                We believe that this system will create a more just and equitable online community, where individuals                            ░░
░░                                are rewarded for meaningful contributions, rather than for clickbait or sensationalism.                                          ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                We draw inspiration from the cypherpunk movement, which believed in the power of cryptography to enable                          ░░
░░                                individual freedom and challenge the status quo.                                                                                 ░░
░░                                We believe that cryptography and decentralization are powerful tools for empowering individuals and protecting                   ░░
░░                                their privacy, and we are committed to using these tools to create a better world.                                               ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
░░                                In conclusion, we believe that the power of technology should be used for good, to empower individuals                           ░░
░░                                and protect their freedom of expression.Our platform is a manifestation of this belief, and we are committed                     ░░
░░                                to building a more just and equitable online community.                                                                          ░░
░░                                We invite all like-minded individuals to join us in our mission to disrupt the status quo and create a better world.             ░░
░░                                                                                                                                                                 ░░
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░░                                                                                                                           POWERED BY ORDINALLDAO + ORDINALBOARD ░░