msgid ""
"Counterparty has its own token, XCP, which is required for some "
"functionality, which makes most bitcoiners regard it as an altcoin, and not "
"an extension or second layer for bitcoin."
msgstr ""
"카운터파티는 일부 기능에 필요한 자체 토큰인 XCP를 보유하고 있으며, 이로 인해 "
"대부분의 비트코인 사용자들은 이를 비트코인의 확장 또는 세컨드 레이어가 아닌 "
"알트코인으로 간주한다."

#: /workspaces/ord_ko/docs/src/
msgid ""
"Ordinal theory has been designed from the ground up for digital artifacts, "
"whereas Counterparty was primarily designed for financial token issuance."
msgstr ""
"오디널 이론은 처음부터 디지털 아티팩트를 위해 설계된 반면, 카운터파티는 주로 "
"금융 토큰 발행을 위해 설계되었다."

#: /workspaces/ord_ko/docs/src/
msgid "Inscriptions for…"
msgstr "누굴 위한 인스크립션…"

#: /workspaces/ord_ko/docs/src/
msgid "Artists"
msgstr "예술가"

#: /workspaces/ord_ko/docs/src/
msgid ""
"_Inscriptions are on Bitcoin._ Bitcoin is the digital currency with the "
"highest status and greatest chance of long-term survival. If you want to "
"guarantee that your art survives into the future, there is no better way to "