msgstr "在那里,你会找到一些关于你铭文的元数据,如下所示:"

#: src/guides/collecting/
msgid "![](images/sending_01.png)"
msgstr ""

#: src/guides/collecting/
msgid "There is a few of important things to check here:"
msgstr "以下是需要检查的几个重要事项:"

#: src/guides/collecting/
msgid ""
"The `output` identifier matches the identifier of the UTXO you are going to "
msgstr "`output` 标识符与您将要发送的UTXO的标识符匹配"

#: src/guides/collecting/
msgid ""
"The `offset` of the inscription is `0` (this means that the inscription is "
"located on the first sat in the UTXO)"
msgstr "铭文的`offset`是 `0` (这意味着铭文位于UTXO的第一个sat上)"

#: src/guides/collecting/
msgid ""
"the `output_value` has enough sats to cover the transaction fee (postage) "
"for sending the transaction. The exact amount you will need depends on the "
"fee rate you will select for the transaction"
msgstr ""
"`output_value` 有足够的sats来支付发送交易的交易费(邮资),您需要的确切金额取"

#: src/guides/collecting/