{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"The parameters in the BRC-100 protocol include:\n\n1. Block height: The height of the block in which the transaction will be included.\n\n2. Transaction fee: The fee paid by the sender to the miner for including the transaction in the block.\n\n3. Sender's public key: The public key of the sender who initiates the transaction.\n\n4. Receiver's public key: The public key of the receiver who will receive the funds.\n\n5. Amount: The amount of currency being sent from the sender to the receiver.\n\n6. Signature: The signature of the sender, which authenticates the transaction.\n\n7. Timestamp: A timestamp representing the time the transaction was created.\n\n8. Network timestamp: A timestamp representing the time the transaction was broadcasted to the network.\n\n9. Confirmation threshold: The minimum number of confirmations required for the","a":"Application  and Token Function: Based on the BRC-100 protocol, developers can build applications on the Bitcoin blockchain with functions and features that were previously impossible to achieve."}]}],"pr":"f10f6d56c21431b5f051b18a73a11ad35ffbaf1043c27e1033e0630ce70838ae"}