    let expected_fee = self.fee_rate.fee(modified_tx.vsize());

      actual_fee, expected_fee,
      "invariant: fee estimation is correct",

    for tx_out in &transaction.output {
        Amount::from_sat(tx_out.value) >= tx_out.script_pubkey.dust_value(),
        "invariant: all outputs are above dust limit",


  fn calculate_sat_offset(&self) -> u64 {
    let mut sat_offset = 0;
    for outpoint in &self.inputs {
      if *outpoint == self.outgoing.outpoint {
        return sat_offset + self.outgoing.offset;
      } else {
        sat_offset += self.amounts[outpoint].to_sat();

    panic!("Could not find outgoing sat in inputs");

  /// Cardinal UTXOs are those that contain no inscriptions and can therefore
  /// be used to pad transactions. Sometimes multiple of these UTXOs are needed
  /// and depending on the context we want to select either ones above or
  /// under (when trying to consolidate dust outputs) the target value.