A cup of the earth is what I had to drink

To slowly let go of what the fuck society thinks

about me

just wanting to write poetry

about immutable money

inspired by 420

meditation every morning is a practice in how to be

doing the work to be internally free

Understanding that we’re all ordinary

And that’s what’s so fucking extraordinary

Choosing to feel, over apathy

Tuning into your telepathy

Sharing your gifts with the world

Knowing that you’re always held

And supported by the universe

Understanding that your past isn’t a curse

But a present, to your future self

Don't undervalue your alchemical wealth

It doesn’t matter your age or race

success is living at a sustainable pace

participating in a free marketplace

not just on earth but expanding to outer space

Travelling Across the cosmos

It’s written and expressed in the logos

Greek, Egyptian, Sanskrit, Sumerian,

Indigenous, Celtic, Gnostic + Lemurian

Tune into the plants and they’ll guide you:

The question that we need to ask is who are we listening to

the answer lies inside ourselves

Go within and access your inner curiosity

There is an abundance of wisdom, not paucity

when you’re a scribe of ancient and mystical philosophy

received with precise and articulate prosody

It goes beyond the reason and rational

living in the imagination, you can’t touch that which is intangible

But don’t dismiss its existence

embracing every experience

Inscribed forever, this is provenance

The best adventure lies in the eternal joint venture

With DMT and the human body!

Specifically the womb

Then all you have to do is attune 

to the frequency of the language

silence the noise, clear the channel 

to receive the message

When outdated structures and systems are dying

the most powerful thing you can do

 is follow whatever it is that makes you feel alive.  

There’s only so long you can go ignoring your art

Before the pain reaches a point where all you can do is connect deeper to the heart

If you’re reading this, you’re playing a part

Let go and trust in your ancient blueprint and chart!

It's never been more important to start 

focussing and paying attention to poetry and art

the world is creating new money, new business, meditation and rhymes

The truth is we're in civilisation changing times. 

It is written!

Karen Mojica
Tokin' Women