Inscription 80776562
- id
- 924a52dbdfe4965b72125101abfcef2756dd0858121439f4c9b292a170f8d56ai0
- metadata
- id
- a80c369e09e7f2bbc5a03f3dba3cc41c17b956bec2d64506c311c7c1548f278ei0
- file
- Golden Curve.jpg
- Name
- Golden Curve
- Artist
- Andrew Hooker
- Bio
- Specialist Australian Photographer
- Medium
- Photography
- Specialist Medium
- Intentional Camera Movement
- Description
- Every wave curves at the shore, even the golden.
- parent
- a80c369e09e7f2bbc5a03f3dba3cc41c17b956bec2d64506c311c7c1548f278ei0
- address
- bc1qv9hxt7rmmqtlpjnt2x5j25k7qjt5ar4fzh37m2
- output value
- 700
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 302871 bytes
- content type
- image/jpeg
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 886360
- genesis fee
- 107197
- genesis transaction
- 924a52dbdfe4965b72125101abfcef2756dd0858121439f4c9b292a170f8d56a
- location
- 924a52dbdfe4965b72125101abfcef2756dd0858121439f4c9b292a170f8d56a:0:0
- output
- 924a52dbdfe4965b72125101abfcef2756dd0858121439f4c9b292a170f8d56a:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x51054f422073d44795EFe4bB3dCCf32635e4a35b