Inscription 61804769
- id
- 5baccccb86b76dd4ba2f6fdeff627a83d39899ef9d2f32ef9e6b661e14e32cbei0
- metadata
- name
- NodeDogzz #1686
- description
- The first original 10k collection of NodeDogzz inscribedon bitcoin
- image
- ipfs://NewUriToReplace/1686.png
- dna
- af97d13d1cef36f00d40d6639e2ef671657bd725
- edition
- 1686
- date
- 1709266908945
- attributes
- trait_type
- Body
- value
- PinkBull
- trait_type
- Earings
- value
- Gold
- trait_type
- Eyes
- value
- Bloodshot
- trait_type
- Head
- value
- Hat
- compiler
- NodeDogzz
- address
- bc1pay9smf662kt5sf6fuwc0nnljra60grq4fqpp4pufczlmpjgfec8qere8xn
- output value
- 1000
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 368 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 833348
- genesis fee
- 6400
- genesis transaction
- 5baccccb86b76dd4ba2f6fdeff627a83d39899ef9d2f32ef9e6b661e14e32cbe
- location
- 5baccccb86b76dd4ba2f6fdeff627a83d39899ef9d2f32ef9e6b661e14e32cbe:0:0
- output
- 5baccccb86b76dd4ba2f6fdeff627a83d39899ef9d2f32ef9e6b661e14e32cbe:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xa31aED4F8E5293e5e54AF07EF75C875622B6482e