A Tale of Two Pizzas: The RSIC vs Runestone Debate Through a Culinary Lens A guy walks into a pizza parlor. Orders a large pizza, cuts it into 10 slices, buys 10 plates, and quietly gives 9 slices of pizza away to hungry people outside, keeping one slice for himself. Another guy with a megaphone walks by, sees this and shouts through his megaphone "that's not fair - there's at least 20 people out here who are hungry." So he goes into the pizza parlor and says "Someone buy me a large pizza - I'm going to cut it up into 20 slices and give 19 of them away to the other people outside. So some other customers give the man money to buy a pizza. He then says "I also need money for plates so that I can finish giving away the pizza." So the other customers then buy him the plates. Then he cuts the same sized pizza as the first man into 20 slices and goes outside shouting on his megaphone "I AM GIVING AWAY THE MOST PIZZA. I AM GIVING AWAY 19 SLICES OF PIZZA UNLIKE THAT OTHER SELFISH GUY WHO ONLY GAVE AWAY 9. LOOK HOW MUCH PIZZA I AM GIVING AWAY. THIS IS THE FAIREST WAY TO GIVE AWAY PIZZA." And then the hungry people outside argue over which is the more moral way to distribute pizza, when they should just have a pizza party together.